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Mustard Oil

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Mustard oil is a type of vegetable oil that is extracted from the seeds of the mustard plant, which belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is widely used in various cuisines and has been an integral part of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi cooking traditions for centuries. Mustard oil is known for its distinct pungent flavor and strong aroma, which adds a unique taste to dishes.

The oil is obtained by pressing or grinding the seeds of the mustard plant, which come in different varieties, including black, brown, and white mustard. The seeds contain a high amount of oil, ranging from 30% to 40%, making it a rich source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Mustard oil has a yellowish color and a relatively low viscosity. It has a high smoking point, which makes it suitable for deep-frying and sautéing. The pungent taste of mustard oil mellows down when it is heated, allowing the flavors of other ingredients to blend well.

In addition to its culinary uses, mustard oil is also utilized in various traditional medicinal practices. It is believed to have several health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting immunity, and promoting hair and skin health. Mustard oil is also used for massage purposes in some cultures due to its warming properties.

It’s important to note that in some countries, such as the United States and Canada, mustard oil is not approved for human consumption due to concerns over its erucic acid content. Erucic acid is a fatty acid that may have adverse health effects in high concentrations. However, in many other regions, including South Asia, mustard oil is widely consumed as a cooking oil and is considered safe when used in moderation.

Overall, mustard oil is a versatile and flavorful oil that adds a unique taste to various dishes. However, it is essential to be aware of the regulations and recommendations regarding its consumption in your specific region.


Mustard oil has a wide range of uses, both in culinary applications and other areas. Here are some common uses of mustard oil:

  1. Cooking: Mustard oil is extensively used for cooking in South Asian cuisines, particularly in Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi dishes. It is used for sautéing, stir-frying, deep-frying, and as a flavoring agent in curries, marinades, and pickles. The pungent and distinct flavor of mustard oil enhances the taste of various dishes.
  2. Salad Dressings and Dips: Mustard oil can be used as an ingredient in salad dressings, vinaigrettes, and mayonnaise-based dips. Its strong flavor can add a zesty and tangy element to these preparations.
  3. Marinades and Pickling: Mustard oil is commonly used as a base for marinades, especially for meats and seafood. The oil’s flavor and antimicrobial properties help tenderize and preserve the ingredients. It is also a popular choice for pickling vegetables, as it acts as a natural preservative.
  4. Traditional Medicine: In some traditional medicinal practices, mustard oil is used for its potential health benefits. It is believed to have properties that aid digestion, relieve cold symptoms, improve blood circulation, and alleviate joint and muscle pain. However, it’s important to note that these uses are based on traditional knowledge and may not have scientific backing.
  5. Hair and Skin Care: Mustard oil is often used in hair and skin care routines. It is believed to nourish the scalp, promote hair growth, and prevent dandruff. It can be applied topically or used as a base oil in hair masks and treatments. Additionally, mustard oil is used in some skincare products due to its potential moisturizing and antioxidant properties.
  6. Massage Oil: Mustard oil’s warming properties make it a popular choice for massages in certain cultures. It is believed to provide relief from muscle pain, joint stiffness, and arthritis. However, it is advisable to dilute the oil with a carrier oil before using it for massage to avoid skin irritation.

It’s worth noting that the uses of mustard oil may vary across different regions and cultures. Additionally, it is important to consider local regulations and guidelines regarding the consumption and application of mustard oil, as it may not be approved for certain uses in some countries.
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Mustard oil is believed to offer several potential health benefits, although it’s important to note that scientific research on these benefits is limited. Here are some commonly mentioned benefits associated with mustard oil:

  1. Rich in Essential Fatty Acids: Mustard oil is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fats are considered essential for the body and may contribute to heart health and overall well-being.
  2. Antimicrobial Properties: Mustard oil contains compounds like allyl isothiocyanate, which have antimicrobial properties. These properties may help in inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, potentially contributing to oral health and food preservation.
  3. Digestive Aid: Mustard oil is believed to stimulate digestion by enhancing the production of digestive juices and bile. It is also thought to have carminative properties that can relieve flatulence and improve digestion.
  4. Skin and Hair Care: Mustard oil is often used in skincare and hair care due to its potential moisturizing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed to nourish the skin, promote hair growth, and help alleviate certain scalp conditions like dandruff.
  5. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Mustard oil is considered to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with conditions like arthritis.
  6. Potential Cardiovascular Benefits: Some studies suggest that the omega-3 fatty acids present in mustard oil may have cardiovascular benefits, such as improving lipid profile and reducing the risk of heart disease. However, more research is needed to establish these effects conclusively.
  7. Respiratory Support: In certain traditional practices, mustard oil is used topically for respiratory conditions like congestion, colds, and coughs. It is believed to have warming and decongestant properties that may provide relief.

It’s important to note that mustard oil’s potential benefits may vary depending on factors such as the quality and source of the oil, individual health conditions, and cultural practices. If you are considering using mustard oil for its potential health benefits, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and circumstances.






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Feature | As Medicine | As Perfumes | In aromatheraphy


Mustard oil possesses several distinct features that set it apart from other vegetable oils. Here are some notable features of mustard oil:

  1. Pungent Flavor: Mustard oil has a strong and pungent flavor that adds a unique taste to dishes. Its distinct flavor profile can enhance the overall culinary experience and make the food more flavorful.
  2. High Smoking Point: Mustard oil has a relatively high smoking point, typically around 250°C (480°F). This makes it suitable for various cooking methods, including deep-frying and stir-frying, as it can withstand higher temperatures without breaking down or producing smoke.
  3. Antibacterial Properties: Mustard oil contains compounds such as allyl isothiocyanate, which exhibit antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. These properties may help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and microorganisms, contributing to food preservation and oral health benefits.
  4. Natural Preservative: Mustard oil is known for its natural preservative properties. Due to its antimicrobial nature, it is often used as a base for pickling vegetables, helping to preserve them and extend their shelf life.
  5. Skin-Warming Effects: When applied topically, mustard oil has a warming effect on the skin. This makes it a popular choice for massage oils and certain traditional therapies, as it can help relax muscles, relieve joint pain, and improve blood circulation.
  6. Nutritional Composition: Mustard oil is a good source of essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also contains vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. These nutritional components contribute to the potential health benefits associated with mustard oil.
  7. Hair Care Properties: Mustard oil is believed to have nourishing properties for the hair and scalp. It is often used in hair care treatments to promote hair growth, strengthen the hair, and combat scalp conditions like dandruff.

It’s important to note that while mustard oil offers unique features, its consumption and usage should be in line with local regulations and guidelines. Some regions may have restrictions on the use of mustard oil due to concerns over its erucic acid content, so it’s essential to be aware of and adhere to the guidelines in your specific location.

As Medicine

Mustard oil has been used in traditional medicine practices for various purposes. It is believed to have potential health benefits, although scientific research on its medicinal properties is limited. Here are some ways in which mustard oil has been traditionally used as a medicine:

  1. Digestive Aid: Mustard oil is considered to stimulate digestion by promoting the production of digestive juices and bile. It is believed to have carminative properties that can help relieve flatulence, indigestion, and improve overall digestion.
  2. Respiratory Support: In certain traditional practices, mustard oil is used topically for respiratory conditions such as congestion, colds, and coughs. It is believed to have warming and decongestant properties that may provide relief from respiratory symptoms.
  3. Joint and Muscle Pain Relief: Mustard oil is often used for massages to alleviate joint and muscle pain. Its warming effect and potential anti-inflammatory properties are believed to help relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and provide temporary relief from pain associated with conditions like arthritis.
  4. Skin Care: Mustard oil is used in some traditional skin care practices. It is believed to have moisturizing properties that can help nourish the skin and reduce dryness. Additionally, it is thought to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may contribute to skin health.

It’s important to note that while mustard oil has been used traditionally for these purposes, scientific research is limited and the effectiveness of mustard oil as a medicinal treatment has not been extensively studied. If you are considering using mustard oil for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified practitioner of traditional medicine to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and health condition. They can provide appropriate guidance and help you make informed decisions about its usage.

As Perfumes

Mustard oil is not commonly used as a perfume or fragrance ingredient in mainstream perfumery. It has a strong, pungent aroma that may not be considered desirable for personal fragrance applications. The aroma of mustard oil is often associated with its culinary use rather than its use in perfumes.

In the world of perfumery, fragrances are typically created using a combination of essential oils, aroma compounds, and synthetic fragrance ingredients. These ingredients are carefully selected and blended to create appealing and harmonious scents.

That being said, there may be niche or artisan perfumers who experiment with unconventional ingredients, including mustard oil, to create unique and avant-garde fragrances. These fragrances are often created for artistic expression or to evoke specific themes or concepts. However, such perfumes are not widely available in the mainstream market.

If you are interested in mustard-inspired fragrances, it might be more common to find perfumes that incorporate notes or accords inspired by the aroma of mustard, rather than using actual mustard oil as an ingredient.

Overall, while mustard oil is not commonly used as a perfume ingredient, the world of fragrance is diverse and creative, and there may be unconventional fragrances that incorporate mustard-inspired elements.

In aromatheraphy

Mustard oil is not commonly used in aromatherapy, as it has a strong, pungent aroma that may not be preferred for therapeutic purposes. Aromatherapy typically involves the use of essential oils, which are highly concentrated extracts derived from various plants.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy are selected for their aromatic properties and potential therapeutic benefits. They are often diluted and used in diffusers, massage oils, bath products, or inhaled for their desired effects on the mind and body.

While mustard oil itself is not typically used in aromatherapy, it’s worth noting that some essential oils derived from plants related to mustard, such as black mustard (Brassica nigra) or white mustard (Sinapis alba), may be used for their therapeutic properties. These essential oils are extracted from different parts of the plant, such as the seeds or leaves, and have their own distinct aromas and potential benefits.

If you are interested in incorporating aromatherapy into your wellness routine, it is recommended to explore widely used essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, tea tree, or eucalyptus, among many others, that have established therapeutic properties and a wide range of applications. It is also important to properly educate yourself on the safe and appropriate use of essential oils, as they are potent substances that should be handled with care.








Dosage | Formulation | Blends Well With | Blend


The dosage of mustard oil can vary depending on the intended use and individual factors. It’s important to note that mustard oil is primarily used as a culinary oil, and dosage recommendations for its medicinal or therapeutic uses may not be well-established or supported by scientific research. If you are considering using mustard oil for specific health purposes, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, herbalist, or qualified practitioner who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and circumstances.

When using mustard oil as a cooking oil, it is generally recommended to use it in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Excessive consumption of any oil, including mustard oil, can lead to an imbalance in the intake of essential fatty acids and overall calorie intake. Moderation is key.

It’s worth noting that in some countries, there may be restrictions or guidelines regarding the consumption of mustard oil due to concerns over its erucic acid content. Erucic acid is a fatty acid that may have potential health risks in high concentrations. It is important to be aware of and adhere to the regulations and recommendations specific to your region.

For topical use, such as in massage or skincare applications, mustard oil is typically diluted with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation. The appropriate ratio of dilution can vary depending on the individual’s skin sensitivity and the specific use. It is generally recommended to start with a small amount of mustard oil and dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut, almond, or jojoba oil.

In summary, if you are considering using mustard oil for its potential health benefits, it is advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or qualified practitioner to determine the appropriate dosage and usage for your specific needs.


Mustard oil is typically available in its natural form as extracted from the seeds of the mustard plant. However, it can also be formulated or combined with other ingredients for specific purposes. Here are a few examples of mustard oil formulations:

  1. Mustard Oil Blends: Mustard oil can be blended with other oils to create a milder flavor or alter its aroma. Common blends include mixing mustard oil with lighter oils like soybean oil or sesame oil to balance the pungency of the mustard oil. These blends may be preferred for those who find the strong flavor of pure mustard oil too overpowering.
  2. Infused Mustard Oil: Mustard oil can be infused with various herbs, spices, or ingredients to add additional flavors and enhance its aroma. For example, mustard oil can be infused with garlic, ginger, or fenugreek seeds to create flavored variations. These infused oils can be used in cooking or as condiments to impart unique tastes to dishes.
  3. Massage Oils: Mustard oil is commonly used as a base oil for massage blends. It can be combined with other carrier oils, such as coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil, to create a massage oil formulation. Essential oils may also be added for additional therapeutic benefits or to enhance the aroma of the massage oil blend.
  4. Skincare Products: Mustard oil can be incorporated into skincare formulations such as creams, lotions, or balms. It can be combined with other natural ingredients, such as shea butter, aloe vera, or essential oils, to create moisturizing or nourishing skincare products. These formulations are typically used for their potential benefits on the skin, such as hydration or soothing properties.

It’s important to note that when formulating with mustard oil, it is crucial to consider its pungency, potential allergenic properties, and regional regulations regarding its usage. If you are considering creating or using formulated products containing mustard oil, it’s advisable to consult with a cosmetic chemist, aromatherapist, or other qualified professionals to ensure proper formulation, safety, and adherence to regulations.

Blends Well With

Mustard oil can be blended with various other oils to create a milder flavor or to enhance its aroma. Some oils that blend well with mustard oil include:

  1. Sesame Oil: Sesame oil has a nutty flavor that complements the pungency of mustard oil. Blending mustard oil with sesame oil can help balance the strong flavor and create a more subtle taste.
  2. Soybean Oil: Soybean oil is a light and neutral-tasting oil. Mixing it with mustard oil can help mellow out the pungency while still retaining some of the characteristic flavor.
  3. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has a distinct and slightly sweet flavor. Combining it with mustard oil can create a unique flavor profile, especially in dishes that benefit from a touch of coconut aroma.
  4. Olive Oil: Olive oil is known for its smooth and fruity taste. Blending olive oil with mustard oil can add depth to the flavor while tempering the pungency.
  5. Almond Oil: Almond oil has a mild and slightly sweet flavor. Mixing it with mustard oil can add a subtle nuttiness and provide a smoother taste.

These are just a few examples of oils that can be blended with mustard oil. The choice of oil will depend on personal preference and the intended use of the blend. It’s always recommended to experiment with different combinations to find the right balance of flavors for your desired dish or application.


Creating a mustard oil blend can be a great way to balance the pungency of mustard oil and create a more versatile flavor profile. Here’s a simple mustard oil blend recipe that you can try:


  • 1 cup mustard oil
  • 1 cup sesame oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil


  1. In a mixing bowl or container, combine the mustard oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil.
  2. Stir or whisk the oils together until well blended.
  3. Transfer the blend to a clean, airtight container or bottle for storage.

This blend combines the pungent flavor of mustard oil with the nuttiness of sesame oil and the subtle sweetness of coconut oil. The result is a milder and more versatile oil that can be used in various culinary applications.

Remember to store the blend in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness and flavor. Additionally, it’s important to note that mustard oil can have varying levels of pungency and taste depending on the source and quality, so you may need to adjust the proportions of the blend to suit your preferences.

Feel free to experiment with different oils and ratios to create your own customized mustard oil blend that suits your taste and culinary needs.








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Purchase Note

  • All products are strictly for external use. unless until specifically reconfirmed
  • Please refer precautions of using essential oil always before using it directly or indirectly
  • All benefits shown are suggested not to be claimed
  • Color of the product and packing may vary from lot to lot and time to time. so kindly consider the same before buying
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  • Replacement Policy or refund Policy is strictly within 7 days of receipt of goods
  • Lead Time: Most of the cases the order is dispatched on the next working day, but in some cases the order can get a delay until 7 days .. so request to note the aboveShipping
  • ShippingCourier -Shree Anjani Courier, DTDC, Professional Courier, Blue Dart, Fedex, DHL
  • Air -Through all reputed airlines
  • Sea-In LCL and shipments surf
  • Surface – TCI Express, V trans, VRL Logistics, Gati, V-Tans, Fedex, CPS and all major transportersPacking Size 30 Ltr , 50 Ltr 200 Ltr


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